by M.Q. Barber | Mar 13, 2015 | Neighborly Affection series
I’m sure Alice and Jay would be quick to point out that Henry is their ultimate hero and enforce a look-but-don’t-touch barricade around him. 😉 Henry’s victory in the Kensington Ultimate Hero competition is entirely due to the unshakeable...
by M.Q. Barber | Dec 14, 2014 | Neighborly Affection series, Where Am I
The guys have been busy in the last week; they’re getting eager for the release of Becoming His Master, which is technically the fourth book in the Neighborly Affection series but can be read first chronologically. Henry visited (NSFW site, as if you...
by M.Q. Barber | Dec 5, 2014 | Neighborly Affection series, Where Am I
I know some of you have been waiting a long while for this one — Henry would be thoroughly impressed by your patience. 😉 USA Today’s HEA blog has the exclusive cover reveal for Becoming His Master today. Click to go see what the guys are up to. I’ll...
by M.Q. Barber | Oct 7, 2014 | Neighborly Affection series
The votes are in, and the newsletter subscribers have spoken. The vote was extremely close. The first rush of votes put Becoming His Master out in front 2-to-1, but the Tuesdays with Jay fans rallied to a near upset. The winner edged out the runner-up by a single...
by M.Q. Barber | Sep 1, 2014 | Neighborly Affection series
It’s a week for celebrating — content edits on Becoming His Master (Neighborly Affection #4) are done! Henry and Jay are off to visit the copy editor, who’ll ferret out stray errors and any inconsistencies. In the meantime, I want to send out a huge...