Steamy contemporary romance

Book deals

Free and discounted books by USA Today bestelling author M.Q. Barber

Looking for deals on books by M.Q. Barber? You’ve come to the right place!

On a tight budget? You can read the books for free through your local library. M.Q. Barber books are available to libraries via Overdrive, Hoopla and BorrowBox. If you don’t see the Neighborly Affection books or the Gentleman books in your library’s digital catalog, ask your library to add them!

If you purchase your books on Google Play, you can take advantage of series bundling to get up to a 25% discount on Neighborly Affection books!

If you purchase your books on Kobo and have a Kobo Plus membership, you can read several of the books for free!

Looking for a sneak peek at the next book? Read the opening chapters of Season of Gifts: Neighborly Affection Book 8 for free as a follower on Ream.