Magnets, that’s how.
I’m going on my first real outing as an author Sunday, a decision that launched the full-blown panic of oh my God, I have nothing to hand out!
(The dog loves it when I panic — she thinks the jumpy turning-in-circles dance is a great game.)
In the last week, I’ve designed my first business card and my first piece of book swag: a postcard-sized magnet for the Neighborly Affection series.

Copies of Playing the Game (Neighborly Affection #1) in print, magnets with Henry adjusting his shirt cuffs, and my first-ever business cards: Yup, I’m all set.
Here’s hoping at least a few people are willing to take a magnet home with them. If not, my fridge is going to have a wall of Henry-hands.
… which, come to think of it, sounds pretty fun.
I’m salivating over tote bags. They’re pricey, but I have an impish desire to show off the trio every time I go grocery shopping.
Of course, swag’s not really supposed to be for me — so what sort of free stuff would you like to see potentially show up in a giveaway?