Spreading sunshine

by | May 4, 2013 | Chatter, Writing | 12 comments

The Sunshine AwardFittingly enough, I’m writing and posting this on a day with plenty of sunshine at my house. I hope your day is equally bright.

The lovely Kylie Wolfe, fellow author and introvert, gifted me with a Sunshine Award. The idea is for bloggers to present the sun-loving flowers to other bloggers who “creatively and positively inspire others in the blogosphere.” Many thanks to Kylie for thinking so highly of me — I’m certain I don’t deserve it. I do, however, encourage you to pop over to her website and check out her sci-fi romance Rayven’s Keep, which comes out from Lyrical Press in June.

Favorite Things

Submitting to the demands of the award rules, I’ll now name a few of my favorite things (the rules do not ask about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but we’ll take those as givens). Here goes:

Favorite Color: Blue. Many shades of blue, but most particularly the deep look of the sky at dusk or as a thunderstorm is rolling in or has just passed. Richly saturated and mellow, trending toward the cool end of the blue spectrum.

Favorite Animal: In 97 out of 100 cases, if you show me a picture of a cute animal, it will instantly become my favorite until you show me a new one. In the specific, individual sense, I’d have to say my dog, because I love her to pieces. In the abstract, though … elephants. Beautiful, strong, intelligent, emotional, matriarchal societies. What’s not to like?

Favorite Number: I can’t answer that one, or the number will lose all its magic, obviously. That’s just science. Suffice to say I do have one, and it’s a prime, because I’m a geek.

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Pepsi. Full-caloried, OMG it’s sooo sweet how can you possibly drink that Pepsi. It’s an addiction.

Facebook or Twitter: I’m equally terrible at both despite being part of a generation that supposedly loves them, so I’d have to say neither. I do generally reply to anyone who nudges me (Facebook here and Twitter here), and I’ll happily write-talk one-on-one about most anything, but I’m horrific at remembering to randomly broadcast stray thoughts, bits of my day, inspirational quotes, marketing pleas and the other flotsam and jetsam to all and sundry. I’m fairly certain my husband signed up to listen to all of those things on a daily basis when he said “I do,” and I’m not accustomed to making others listen to them, too. 😉

Variegated hostas

The variegated hostas beside my patio.

Your Passion: Aside from my husband, writing, and reading? Okay, have a geek one: Lego building. Yes, I’m one of those odd adults who still snaps together little plastic bricks for fun.

Giving or Getting Presents: Ack, another thing I’m terrible at. I’m always dumbfounded by the arrival of presents, and I rarely remember to give them to others unless there’s a specific holiday deadline looming. I’ll pass on both, thanks.

Favorite Day: A quiet one, with much solitude and a stack of books.

Favorite Flowers: Almost any when they’re in bloom, but one I have growing in my plant beds deserves special mention for its beautiful leaves rather than its flowers: variegated hostas. See the picture? Those are mine. 🙂

More Sunshine Makers

Phew. Making it through the favorites was tough! If you’re still willing to take this crazy woman’s advice about anything, check out the friendly folks below to whom I’ve passed the Sunshine Award torch. Great people and excellent writers are waiting for you:

What, you’re still reading? Consider the comments a Reddit-style AMA. I doubt I’m all that interesting, but you’re welcome to ask. 😉


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