Sneak peek at Neighborly Affection 3: Healing the Wounds

by | Mar 13, 2014 | Neighborly Affection series

When a good thing happens to me, I like to pay it forward.

My publisher promised me a first look at the cover for Healing the Wounds (Neighborly Affection #3) this weekend, and I am crazy-excited with anticipation.

To celebrate, I’ll be sending out this month’s author newsletter on Sunday, March 16, with the first look at a scene from Healing the Wounds.

I haven’t posted any excerpts of this one anywhere yet, so subscribers will be the first people aside from me, my critique partner, and my editor to see it. I hope you’ll find it worth the wait — Healing the Wounds is scheduled for release June 2, 2014.

Newsletter subscribers get a monthly email from me with updates on book projects and exclusive sneak peeks (like this month’s Healing the Wounds peek) and flash fiction (in April, you’ll get the first of a potential short fiction series from Jay’s point of view).

If you aren’t a subscriber yet, just enter your email address in the box below and hit the button:

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