Congrats to the Valentine gift hop winners!

by | Feb 16, 2014 | Chatter, Neighborly Affection series

Thank you to everyone who visited during Valentine’s week and took part in the gift hop. You’re all fantastic, and many of you shared great reminders of love. 🙂

Neighborly Affection: Playing the Game by M.Q. Barber

“I will judge when you have had enough.” – Henry

The magic Rafflecopter elves have randomly chosen two winners from all of the commenters, tweeters, Facebookers and Goodreads-adders, and they are:

Sherry S.

Tiffany D.

Thanks for playing, ladies! I hope you enjoy Playing the Game (Neighborly Affection #1) and spend your gift card wisely — by which I mean go on a book-buying binge, naturally. 😉

I’ve emailed the winners, and they have 48 hours to confirm. If they don’t, I’ll go back to the magic elves and ask for new names. But even if you didn’t win, you can still get your hands on Henry, Alice, and Jay. Give the trio a try with Playing the Game at Amazon or iTunes. Their continuing adventures in Crossing the Lines (Neighborly Affection #2) are only two weeks away!

Available from these fine shops

The links below will take you to the M.Q. Barber page at each retailer. Need more info to make up your mind? Check out the series pages for the Neighborly Affection books and the Gentleman books.

Also available at your library

Did you know that you can read M.Q. Barber books for free through your library? Libraries can request digital copies through Overdrive, Hoopla, and BorrowBox.

If your library uses Overdrive, you can download the Libby app and request a book directly from your library. Check it out!