I’m the first to admit I’m not so great at marketing. Saleswoman, I am not. Mostly, I keep my head down and write. So I’m thankful my fellow Lyrical Press authors (who are way smarter than I am) decided to launch Sizzle and Sass, a Facebook page for romance authors and readers to socialize, hang out, find new reads and — most importantly for this launch month — win prizes.
The giveaway
Clicking on the banner above will take you to the Sizzle and Sass page. Facebook users who “like” the page can click on the giveaway tab and enter for a chance to win a new Kindle Paperwhite and an ebook by each of the 13 authors who run the page.
I’ll be giving away a copy of Playing the Game (Neighborly Affection #1), but the books are a great cross-section of romance, from new adult to paranormal to contemporary to dystopian future. Let’s face it: With that many options, you’re bound to find at least one book and/or author you haven’t tried before and end up enjoying.
Plus, you can hang out with all of us on the Sizzle and Sass page. We’ll have a different host author each week, with the rest of us chiming in like the chatty bunch we are. We’ll be sharing trivia, snippets from books, random musings on how we can drive three blocks from home before realizing we’ve forgotten our glasses beside the bathroom sink… Wait, I’m being told that last one is just me.
The Kindle giveaway runs Oct. 1 through Oct. 26. You can also enter in the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway