My debut book, Neighborly Affection: Playing the Game, features three main characters: Alice, Henry, and Jay.
Alice’s voice dominates the story. It’s her introduction to the erotic world of BDSM. During the last three months, as I’ve worked with my content editor on sharpening the manuscript, Alice’s voice has been a constant companion.
But the boys have been insistent about demanding a fair share of the action lately, which means my brain has been hijacked by two side projects.
Jay took the first crack with what might become a series of short and sweet flash fiction pieces from his perspective.
Henry’s a bit more demanding — no surprise from the dominant member of the trio, eh? — and it looks like he might require an entire novella from his perspective.
Someday these three players might even let me have a thought or two of my own again. But honestly … I don’t think that would be nearly as much fun.