So my publisher, being super-sneaky and amazing, had a surprise for me today — and that’s great news for readers.
If you haven’t tried Neighborly Affection: Playing the Game yet or you aren’t sure you want to dive in without sampling the action, you can now download the first three chapters for free, with no strings, from the Lyrical Press Facebook page. You don’t need a Facebook account, you don’t need to be logged in, you don’t have to “like” or sign up for anything. (Seriously, no strings.)
Why is this awesome? Because you can’t read chapter three anywhere else. Amazon’s “look inside” won’t let you peek that far. And chapter three is very, very NSFW. If you want to find out what kind of dominant Henry is and why Alice and Jay keep coming back for more, follow this link to the download page.
Please be at least 18. I don’t want to be explaining to your mothers why you’re reading something entirely unsuitable for children.
Plus, if you don’t like it, you can always come back here and leave a comment saying so. (Or if you do. That’s nice, too.)
The exclusive download should be available through the end of July, so you have two weeks to get your butt over there and snag it. Happy reading!